Download Episodes Of The Office

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Download Episodes Of The Office 7,6/10 6179 votes

TOC Previous Next Aside from NBC, The Office has gone into off-network. Next Episodes from The Office were among the first shows available for download. Watch The Office Online Free in HD, compatible with XBOX ONE, PS4, XBOX 360, PS3, MOBILE, TABLET and PC. Home Season List Extended Episodes Deleted Scenes Bloopers Webisodes Extras. Watch The Office Online Free in HD, compatible with XBOX ONE, PS4, XBOX 360, PS3, MOBILE, TABLET and PC.

The basis of the American comedy tv series The Office went to the eponymous British series, fronted the BBC on TV from 2001 to 2003. The plot tells about the life of office workers in one of the regional offices of a large company «Dunder Mifflin», specializing in the supply of paper products. All employees are totally different people with their problems, oddities, quirks and complexes.

Every day, they work under the supervision of its director Michael Scott, who considers himself a man, possessing excellent sense of humor, and I am sure that a subordinate soul is not fer it. Here only he is deeply mistaken in this. In fact, all the office workers find his primitive jokes, and very rare Scott jerk. And just what their boss, he makes Office dwellers tolerate his antics Download full episodes of The Office (season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) show: Season 1 Episode 1 720p-HDTV: (.mkv, 435.9 MB).

I'm just thunderstruck. All the buzz around this show, it making Time Magazine's Best of 2005 list, huge ratings. Well, tonight as favor to a friend, I gave it a look. Usually I don't take the time to review something I don't like (which is basically all of today's TV), but I was so stunned at how atrocious this was, I had to say something. I checked out 'Booze Cruise' I believe it was called, where all the employees boarded a ship. Not only is the directorial style distracting, but this may be the unfunniest 'sitcom' I've laid eyes on in my life.

It was as bad as an actual office during the day; uninvolving conversations, characters and a storyline I didn't care about, and just shockingly boring. They say humor is relative, and maybe I just don't 'get it', because this is a hit. But I'd bet a buck that if you stuck 20 people in a room and turned this on, stone-cold silence would be your result. Just mind-numbingly dull. I'm terribly sorry, but this remake is one of the worst remakes I've ever seen.

I laughed maybe a couple of times, but that's it. The Office US doesn't contain the humor that The Office UK has. When I'm watching UK, I wet my pants of laughter, while crying my eyes out. Steve Carrel just doesn't have the spark Ricky Gervais has. Therefore, I don't see why it is rated this high. It isn't that brilliant! The thing is, I think most people never heard of the office UK.

Which is a shame, because it is so much better than the remake. I think you should've watched UK first before rating US this high, because if you rate this 9/10, The Office UK would be 20/10! OK.first of all let me make it clear, I'm neither American not British. In fact I'm Asian.

So i do not feel obliged to like 1 version of the show more than the other. Having said that i was a huge UK office fan. I had seen all the episodes about 3 times and the best part about that show for me was that every time i'd watch it, id discover something i hadn't noticed before. Or some funny one liner by David Brent.

However whenever i would recommend someone to watch it, people usually didn't take me very seriously. When the US office started, i saw some clips of the very first episode and i was SHOCKED and OFFENDED!! How dare someone remake an entire episode word to word but with new people who looked like they were going to copy each and every expression of the UK people.

I went around telling people about this unforgiven crime that the US office was. I admit i was the reason none of my friends tried watching it when it started running on a local channel. Then one day when there was nothing good on TV, i switched to the office(US) and season 2's episode 'the fire' was 20minutes i was hooked. I admit the main reason i fell in love with it was because of the Jim and Pam storyline.

I got the 1st 3 seasons on DVDs and since that day Michael Scott is my favorite TV character EVER!! What UK office fans don't realize is that David Brent and Michael Scott are incomparable.they're as different as 2 bosses can be: 1 in UK and 1 in US. Brent was the jerk boss who everyone hated.


And Michael is just a sad little person who wants to make friends and be loved. He loves to act cool and hip and just comes off pathetic. Its so beautifully done that despite his desperation u cant help but love him for it. Dwight i know is hard for many people to relate to but once u get to know him, his pompousness and his out of worldliness becomes funny, and though sometimes over the top, it milds down after u get to know him well.

Jim and Pam are the lovebirds, they have a bond that is so familiar in the couples u see that u just know will end up together! I love their relationship and since it got me hooked onto this show, it carries a very special meaning to me. The rest of the cast also really brings this show above the UK office. In the UK office the rest of the cast was not that significant, but here i cannot imagine not knowing CREED and Kevin and Angela, Phyllis,Kelly, RYAN( the belle of the ball), Meredith, Oscar, Jan, Stanley, and of course the sad little Toby(Michael's arch enemy). I started watching this show about 6 months ago and now i remember every episode word to word. I can name all episodes in order from the start. I've dreamt of the office characters and i feel like I've known them forever.they make up one happy family, as Michael reminds us over and over again:).

Watch the office without any preconceived notions, don't constantly keep comparing it to the UK version because once u understand the humor this show has, trust me, u will never look back!!! I think the British crew has more comic genius in terms of timing and delivery.Maybe I'm biased, since I was such a fan of the British show, but I'm extremely disappointed that this show has been recycled and dumb-ed down. I think the American version is an abomination actually.If they perhaps come up with some new material in the American version,then I will give it a shot, but if they're trying to do what's already been done, (and already done very well!), then I think it's a shame.The British show is comic genius and I wonder how the American version played out to someone not familiar with the series. It seems that it did not translate well, and to give me hope that I would again rejoin my favorite King of Awkward Pauses on the quest to fail miserably with painful social blunders, was utterly cruel. That did not happen in the slightest.

Perhaps my expectations were too high? I think Ricky has the talent and the ability to make this work in America. But not like this.

I checked out The Office after having heard about it from a friend (in the 'can you believe how bad it is' mold).Still, I was dumbfounded by how bad the show is.It looks like it's shot on a videophone! A videophone, people!!! In my opinion, it's completely, entirely, utterly unwatchable.I wish I could say it's still better than a reality show. But it's not. Reality shows have higher criteria of filming than The Office!! And that's saying a lot! I am amazed that a network would put this piece of badly made tape on the air.

I thought they had standards of excellence. I guess NBC is so desperate, they will put anything cheap on the air these days.Really, this masquerade of a show is the first thing that NBC should cancel if it wants to get out of the ratings doghouse, because it's awful, unwatchable shows like The Office that make you program NBC out of the rotation. I was a bit dubious about watching this show because how can you improve on the brilliant original and in fairness after watching season one they didn't. It was basically the same script, not performed or done as well.This is not me being biased or patriotic, because if you stick with it to the next seasons the show takes off to new heights with my view being that by the time you get halfway through season 2 it has easily surpassed the original.

I feel from a lot of comments people have browsed a few of the first seasons episodes and then discarded it as 'not as good', but stick with it as it matures into my opinion one of the greatest shows ever made. The original Office was the surprise hit of 2001, when it hit BBC 2 it was the only thing anyone was talking about for months to follow. It was hysterically funny and brilliantly conceived.When I heard there was going to be a remake, I thought I'd better give it a look, because the original run had deliberately been kept short and I definitely did want to see more.As they say, Always leave them wanting more.This version has all the same gags as the original Office, but they've been watered down.

One of the funniest aspects of the characters of David Brent, Gareth Kenan et al was their political incorrectness, especially David who didn't even realise what a bigot he was being. It seems that somebody has decided that it needed to be toned down for the American remake, and toned down it was. Most of the jokes have lost much of their impact.The same thing goes for the swearing. The language of the original was extremely blue, as the workplace depicted in the show was massively male-dominated, and as anyone who knows who has happened to work in such an environment will know, manners just seem to completely evaporate in such an environment. Again, this has been toned and again this has hurt the show.There was new material here but I didn't think it was all that funny.But the biggest disappointment is that the actors sound like actors. The original sounded like a real documentary because of the style used, with the actors stumbling over their lines and uming and erring a lot as people in real life tend to do. The remake just seems too real.There is still some good humour here, but it feels like it's been diluted and watered down, like the same amount of material has been made to stretch over more episodes.

It's like Caffeine-free The Office. Watching the pilot of the American version of The Office was like seeing a car wreck in slow motion, and then not wanting to see the aftermath, yet you can't help but look out of curiosity, all the while cringing and wincing at the result.You can't duplicate a show like this. They broke the mold when Ricky Gervais made the original series. That should have been clear long before the idea was hatched to Americanize this show.

Free Episodes Of The Office Season 3

I actually feel sorry for the actors. It had to be obvious to some of them that their performances as the American character counterparts to the original characters would be awkward at best. In some cases, it's downright embarrassing.

I would liken it to watching bad drama students trying to take on something way out of their league. I only started seeing this series on this year and i'm on the 6th season already. On the first season i couldn't understand how this could be a good series, the actors were charismatic and the acting were very good but there was almost no story that i could follow and Michael seemed like a very hateable person. On the second season things started to pick up a bit but nothing so special. From the third season to the sixth i got completely hooked because after all there is a story to follow, a very interesting one, and Michael is in fact a genius and that is more evident on the fifth and sixth seasons. If someone believes that Michael does something that goes against the objectives that he has inside the company (even if a lot of times it seems that he does), i'm sure that that person isn't really understanding what's the main philosophy behind Michael's character. It took me 3 seasons to understand Michael Scott and it was because of that, that i didn't liked the series very much, after that, i loved it, and it's my favorite series now.

When you do understand all the characters, besides being very entertaining and delightful to watch, it is going to blow your mind sometimes. I am a huge fan of the British version of the Office. I remember looking forward to the American version when it first came out and being disappointed immediately to the point that I refused to watch it after the first episode.

Almost 6 years later I gave it another go as people were telling me that it was actually quite good. I took the advice that I should start from season 2. This time around I enjoyed it more and gradually warmed to the characters that were basically copies of the British version. I can't believe that I would ever say this, but this show is as good as the British version.

The bonus is that there is a lot more of it. It was certainly a knee-jerk reaction to give up on it so quickly, but it seems that a lot of people did.

The Jim/Pam relationship is a clone of Tim and Dawn, but some of the pranks that they play on Dwight(Gareth in British version) are quite brilliant. There are certainly differences between the two versions, but generally the American version stays fairly true to the original.If you loved the original, definitely give this a go. I'm just thunderstruck. All the buzz around this show, it making Time Magazine's Best of 2005 list, huge ratings. Well, tonight as favor to a friend, I gave it a look. Usually I don't take the time to review something I don't like (which is basically all of today's TV), but I was so stunned at how atrocious this was, I had to say something.

I checked out 'Booze Cruise' I believe it was called, where all the employees boarded a ship. Not only is the directorial style distracting, but this may be the unfunniest 'sitcom' I've laid eyes on in my life. It was as bad as an actual office during the day; uninvolving conversations, characters and a storyline I didn't care about, and just shockingly boring. They say humor is relative, and maybe I just don't 'get it', because this is a hit.

But I'd bet a buck that if you stuck 20 people in a room and turned this on, stone-cold silence would be your result. Just mind-numbingly dull.

I haven't seen the British show upon which this is based, so I'm daring to judge this show by its own merits.Boy, do I like it. This is the best mockumentary comedy since The Larry Sanders Show. Steve Carell is fantastic, and everything is wonderfully underplayed. I just worry that the show is too intelligent for American audiences, and won't last long as a result.I'm hoping the network will foster this one like Fox has with Arrested Development, pushing it where it can, not expecting big audiences right off the bat, and allowing it to grow. I doubt if the show will grow beyond a cult hit, but hopefully that will be enough to keep it on the air for at least a few years. This show really is outstanding, in fact its the only show i think i can rate as a 10.

From watching the original uk series back in 2001 on bbc TV, i never thought an American remake would stand any ground whatsoever. When the first series aired in the uk it did'nt really make its mark, and unfortunately never caught on. I was disappointed when it disappeared from our screens, and then quickly forgot about it. I thought it had 1 series and crashed and burned. Then one day i was checking out the reviews for evan almighty on IMDb and noticed that steve carel had still been making this show. I had to get hold of it and see it, And to my joy there was 5 series waiting for me.

I never get into TV like i have done with this, i ended up watching 10 episodes in a day, i think i did all 5 series in just under 2 weeks. This show is funny, its acted brilliantly, its over the top, totally crazy but totally entertaining.

If your ever down just bung on a couple episodes from good old dunder miflin in scranton and you cant go wrong. Gervais said that 2 series of the office in the uk was enough. And that he did'nt want to take it further. I know he helps on the US version, and i sure he is surprised to see 6 series already of what i can only describe as the best American sitcom of all time!! The problem for me was some little things.having worked in various offices I can tell you Americans don't act so mousy or reserved and nervous as shown on the American version. It may seem right how English people are but not Americans. Also, sometimes a boss sets the tone for an office.

And seeing how he is such a clown, it baffles me how people would be so reserved in his office.there were some bright spots, but the British version was so good that its hard for me to get over it and accept this version even though I am American and want to like it. I will give it a shot though.I need to find a good series to watch and seeing as I thought the original office ended way too soon, cripes after only 2 seasons??come on!

Admittedly I absolutely adore the UK version (got both seasons on DVD) so was intrigued to find out what the US were capable of and, as of yet, only got to see the first three episodes of the US version.First the good points, the US version avoided the laughter track (which would have been the kiss of death) and still retained the dodgy camera-work (some people who hated this style seem to misunderstand that the comedy is supposed to reflect a fly-on-the-wall documentary and slick camera work is not a priority). At least, to some extent or other, the show retains some integrity to the original.However, I think one of the differences of the two shows (comparing is inevitable sorry)is how human these characters are. They are clearly flawed characters trying to get through life which gives an understanding as to why they are who they are. See, in the UK version of The Office, despite the ego and the manipulation you can almost feel the amount of pain David Brent goes through in his effort to impress people and feel comfortable being himself in his own skin.

We can see Gareth Keenan's social inability and how his botched attempts at frustrated flirting end up as sexual harassment, Dawn Tinsley's stoic long-suffering, unsatisfying love-life and unfulfilled ambitions and Tim Canterbury's lack of confidence and fear of change to push forward to try and better himself are all poignantly on show in very subtle ways.The US version seemed to reduce itself to a set of stock characters. For example, Michael looks too conventional and his part is played too one-dimensionally for his role to work so he appears just stupid and nerdish rather than looking beyond the eager to please ego to find a man constantly seeking validation underneath the delusions of grandeur. Jim seemed far too cool and confident and in control of his surroundings to really endure the pangs of anxiety when office chaos occurs and Dwight just seems like a nasty piece of work as with Gareth you could tell he was overcompensating for his own insecurities. Yes, different shows perhaps but some things needed to stay the same for the humour to work. I also think the Pam/Jim romance was overdeveloped too soon. When I found out that they were making an American version of The Office, one of the most heart-stoppingly good situation comedies, I thought, 'Why?' I thought that it would be simply awful, like many Americanised shows.


I found a link for the Myspace pilot. I started it, and it actually wasn't too bad. It really wasn't. I really enjoyed it. It was really good.

One of the funniest bits was where Mr. Brown got the little card that said 'black' (I won't go further than that, and the show didn't go too far into that anyways, but it was really funny just seeing that). To be honest, it was one of the most excellent Americanisations of a British shows.

There were some great moments, like the east Indian woman coming back into the room and the boss going 'Hallo! Welcom to my stor! Vuld yu like sum gooki-gooki? Tri my gooki-gooki!'

.However, I felt much of the time that the characters were rather lifeless. You couldn't really feel for them. They weren't as deep or real as the original BBC characters, to whom you could relate even if you'd never been in an office.

The boss just wasn't good enough for what the original set the bar as (the David Brent character going down in history as 'most annoying boss'), although he tries, really hard. One never really gets into Jim, who was originally Tim (good one, NBC). Pam (aka Dawn) isn't quite as well-played as Dawn's character. And the hideous syncophant (Gareth) has been replaced by a simply-annoying Dwight.But what really makes the show a lifeless slug is the running time, which is barely twenty minutes.

The whole thing seems far too rushed, and there just isn't enough material to satisfy the typical BBC-Office-watcher. The jokes aren't quite as good as the original, and there are so few of them. The pilot never really goes into anything, although the real show may prove different. However, a good feature in The Office is that NBC didn't spring for a laugh track, which would've ruined the show.All in all, The Office is a feeble shadow of its British counterpart, but it still manages to please. As a fan of the original 'Office' I was, of course, skeptical about the American remake. We have many shining beacons to shows that have bombed badly when transferred across the ocean.

However, pinch me I must be dreaming, this version of the show is actually very good. I should also point out that I'm British and, as blasphemous as it might be to my fellow countrymen, I believe that the US version to be every bit as good as the original with excellent casting and smart writing throughout.The first season was a little spotty, especially when translating the British show verbatim.

However, once the writers came up with original story lines and situations the, American, office really took off. The second season was an incredible achievement and is just carrying on where it left off in the third season.Steve Carell is well suited to the role of Micheal Scott, lending his character a certain pathetic quality that even Gervais's David Brent did not have at times. The supporting cast is equally as good, especially Rainn Wilson as the assistant (to the) general manager, Dwight Shrute. Wilson deserved, at least, an Emmy nomination for his troubles. If you dismiss the show out of hand then you will definitely be missing out on one of the best shows on TV right now. After reading all of the horrible reviews coming from the UK, I felt the strong desire to comment.

I learned that most of the reviewers bashing it have only seen a few (at most) episodes from the first season - many haven't seen it at all, and are simply bashing it because of an overwhelming sense of pride in the original. I'd be surprised if this review isn't skimmed over and marked unhelpful by them. Obviously I'm not speaking to all the British, but the majority that unfairly judge this show with little to no basis in the truth. This whole fanaticism is juvenile and petty. The casts of the US and UK versions love each show. Ricky Gervais even wrote and executive produced a few episodes of the US version. Open your minds, people!

Most of the US fans KNOW that it's based on a British version. It has gotten the credit it deserves for being a brilliant and hilarious show. But the American version is also brilliant and hilarious. I've read comments ranging from 'bad acting' to 'direct copy', neither of which are true. The first season may have had its borrowed bits, but that was to get it on its feet.

The second and third seasons have proved that it is a show entirely on its own, with scenarios and characters having NOTHING to do with the UK version at all. The acting is just as convincing and real as the UK version. I've even read that Michael Scott is devoid of David Brent's humanity! In actuality, Michael Scott is shown as far more human than David Brent, who was more manipulative (albeit, poorly) and heartless. The US version still has the cruel elements of the UK version, but it balances these awkward, painful moments with tender, human moments, which makes it more enjoyable and watchable.

As for the humor, each show has its own moments of subtlety, detail, absolutely outrageous moments, awkwardness, pain, cuteness, ridiculousness, and vulgarity. The UK version was groundbreaking. But instead of blindly basing your opinions on bias and arrogance, see the US version for what it is - a brilliant, brighter version that, in its first season, simply used the framework of the original (the characters and basic situations) to get started with. This is the funniest, smartest American television show in recent history besides Arrested Development. Not since Seinfeld has a show made me laugh so hard and smile so much. These three shows get better with each viewing and are great because there's so many levels of humor, from the apparent outrageousness to the minute details that are noticed after repeated viewings and are often funnier than the surface material.